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Advice & Help needed please
Posted: 28/10/2014 by Lulu955

Hi there 

We bought 2 (12months old) leopard tortoises on Sunday with the set up from a shop who takes no refunds And after reading the information I've found on the internet I am  terrified that we will not be able to give them the life they deserve, we were told in the pet store that they were low maintenance and easy to care for and they sold the whole set up to us... I'm not so sure after reading things on here? I spoke to the shop as I was terrified and they said it's all internet scare tactics And didn't offer to take them back but did say they would offer ongoing support! I actually love them but I'm terrified at it getting to a stage where I cannot? I don't know how quickly they will grow I've been told by the manager it will take 5-7yrs before they hit full size. I'm also really concerned about the glass vivarium they sold us should they be in this? I really am freaking out! Sorry if this sounds all over the place I'm very panicked
Kind Regards

Re: Advice & Help needed please
Posted: 28/10/2014 by Tom

Hello Lulu,

A min. of £10,000 investment is needed to keep the species properly in winter, once they reach a few years old. Heating costs would be astronomic.

Some idiots have them walking round the house in winter when older, but you clearly have more sense, it's just a shame you didn't check out b4 buying. 
Correct - viv's are unsuitable.

Stand up to the shop, threaten County Court action if they don't give you a FULL refund. It's inexpensive & you would receive costs if successful. I've no doubt that you would win, there is a precedent. I can give further advice if needed.

Don't take a different species as a replacement, it will not be British bred & vet bills could be huge.

Please give full details of the shop, so that anyone reading The Forum is aware.



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