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SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 16/01/2015 by MattPitt |
Hello, I hope you can help. My Tommy isnt well!! i have only had him a few weeks, but he has stopped eating, and i believe he has a calcium issue, i have taken him to the vets and he gave him a calcium injections, but didnt really offer any advice, and i would prefer help incase i am doing anything wrong. You can see a picture of my set up, heat lamp regulates the temperature to about 32, and the UV light is a Repti-Glo 10. The substrate i am using is Happy Pet - Coconut Terrain and the have said that should be fine for him. I am bathing him daily to keep him hydrated, when he was eating i was giving him the mixed lettuce bags,florrette is is or something, with red stuff in etc and some lambs lettuce, i sprinkle on the calcium stuff and also some vitamin powder. He is only about 3 months old and i dont want him too die. Does anyone know a vet specialized in tors around Lancashire?? I am a beginner, never kept tortoises before, i have a musk turtle and had him for quite a few years, but he is easy to look after in comparison. Thanks Matt | |
Re: SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 16/01/2015 by Tom |
Hello Matt, Where did you obtain it ? If it's only 3 months old, it's 'shell' will not have hardened. 28-30C below the bulb is sufficient (measured at tort level). The heat/light only needs to be on for 8-10 hours a day. The 'red stuff 'which you refer to, is radichio - it's not a bad food, but be careful to use within date. Don't overdo the supplements. If you click on the "Vets & Health" box, they are two listed in Cheshire, they are, I think, the nearest. Have you contacted the seller about the problem. Regards, Tom | |
Re: SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 17/01/2015 by MattPitt |
Thanks for the reply Tom, just a local pet shop to me. They have branched to reptiles, although they used to just do aquatics. I havent spoken to them, as they are friends and its a bit difficult. He was eating, and then stopped and now just buries himself and sleeps, if I pick him out and then put him somewhere else the moves back to under his heat lamp and goes to sleep. This is what is making me think I am doing something wrong. I have been leaving the heat lamp on all night as I was worried he would get cold. I am guessing this incorrect and I should probably change this?? Thanks Matt | |
Re: SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 17/01/2015 by MattPitt |
Bit of good news Tommy, actually ate something tonight. Still taking him to the vets on Monday. A friend who keeps horsefields recommended Pennine Vets, so going to give them a try. :) | |
Re: SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 17/01/2015 by Tom |
That's good Matt, It may not be a veterinary matter. Although not cheap (£37ish), I suggest that you change to a 100W "Megaray" bulb (heat & light), & suspend it at 90 degrees, 30cms above tort. level. The bulb you have seems, in the photo, to provide a reddish glow. Friendships work both ways, your friends are responsible for providing good advice, as well as a healthy tortoise. Try for food plants & ideas. Most horsfields have problems, as they are all imported, mostly from dubious backgrounds. Let us know how it progresses. Tom ps Yes correct - no light / heat at night - 8 to 10hrs is sufficient. | |
Re: SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 18/01/2015 by MattPitt |
Ok thanks Tom, I will look at that bulb. I have another lamp holder that is rated up to 250w I think, so that should be fine for that mega ray. I'll let you know how I go on. Cheers Matt | |
Re: SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 19/01/2015 by MattPitt |
Tommy has been eating, had some on sat and then today. Have ordered the Arcadia equivalent of that mega ray lamp. Hopefully he will continue to improve! Thanks Matt | |
Re: SoftShell - Horsefield Posted: 26/01/2015 by MattPitt |
Just thought i would keep you updated, Tommy seems to have improved, he is eating every day (not too much though) i dont want to "overfeed" him. He is more active, and loves having a wander around when he has had a bath. Its far too cold for him to go outside yet, as they have forecast more snow this week! Thanks for your help Tom. I now have the combined heat lamp set up, and he seems to be enjoying, in fact, he must be getting enough heat as he sits there for a while then gets up and moves into his house to cool down. | |