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Hello Posted: 26/01/2015 by 19sarah68 |
Hello All I am not yet a tortoise owner, but I thought it a good idea to join to further my education and research. I am in the process of building a tortoise table, as I have learned that this is the best way for tortoises to thrive but am confused by lighting and the best way to go about providing what's needed. I understand that they need heat and uvb, but which is more beneficial, one light unit that does both? Or separate units? Any help with this would be much appreciated. I am looking to get a horsfield, so any advice would be most welcome. I don't want to get it wrong! Thanks! | |
Re: Hello Posted: 26/01/2015 by Tom |
Hello Sarah, Ideally buy a "Megaray" UVB bulb & a reflector/holder, which should be suspended at an angle of 90deg. This bulb provides both heat & light. I would avoid Horsfield's or any other species, unless from a TPG breeder. For a list of the latter, click on "Buying a Tortoise / .." Regards, Tom | |
Re: Hello Posted: 26/01/2015 by 19sarah68 |
Thanks Tom I was hoping to get one from a breeder, I have read and understood the reasons for not buying from dealers or pet shops, and I know I will have to travel a fair distance to get one as I live in Scotland! I have looked at the breeder list and not one with horsfield's is up here, but that's ok, I drive. I very much appreciate you taking the time to give me advice, I'm sure I will find this forum an invaluable source for information. Thanks again Tom x | |
Re: Hello Posted: 26/01/2015 by Tom |
A pleasure Sarah, It is good that you are aware of the problems with dealers, but with horsfield's be very careful. There are more pretend 'breeders' around with this species than with others, as they don't need 'papers'. For the above & other reasons you would be better advised to consider T.hermanni, T.ibera or T. marginata. Best wishes, Tom | |