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Juvenile horsefield has stopped eating
Posted: 08/02/2015 by lozjonno


I've recently purchased a 6 month old horsefield tortoise and just he has stopped eating over the past few days (3 days without anything.) Is this normal? Is there anything I can do? He just seems to want to sleep all day. I'm a new tortoise owner and am getting worried about him. 

Any help is appreciated.


Re: Juvenile horsefield has stopped eating
Posted: 08/02/2015 by Tom


It should eat daily. Can you post details of how you are keeping it please, as much info as possible ? Photos of your set-up would also be very useful.


Re: Juvenile horsefield has stopped eating
Posted: 25/02/2015 by sky

Hi its important now keep up with hydration if the tortoise has stopped eating.

your tortoise will take a few weeks to adjust to its new surroundings... but please dont leave it to long before seeking further advice ..
What are your temps like on your tortoise table?


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