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Newby. Tortoise table Q. Too cold and damp outside?
Posted: 20/05/2015 by aligee

  Hi I'm new to the tortoise world and am trying to gain some info to see if I am able to facilitate either a Herman or Horsefield.

I am planning on constructing a tortoise table and was wondering if 150cm x 70cm approx is big enough to keep a tortoise happy when it is fully grown?

I would also like to have a mesh lid on top. Does the wire have to be a certain type to withstand the heat?

I also wondered if the basking lamp/ (mostly the uv light) will still be as effective through the mesh wire?

I am also concerned about the weather that we have and how it could affect a tortoise. I live on the west coast of Scotland where it is mostly cold and wet. I am worried the tortoise won't be able to get out much because of the low temperatures and damp and I am unsure if I want to go as far as putting heating outside. If I can't accommodate a tortoise then I will accept that. I would only get one if I could keep him happy and healthy.

Re: Newby. Tortoise table Q. Too cold and damp outside?
Posted: 21/05/2015 by


I suggest that you avoid Horsfield's.

A table of that size isn't big enough for an adult, they need an area of at least 15sqm.
A 1" wire mesh will be ok.

The W coast of Scotland is not ideal, but you could, in part, offset this by providing a large greenhouse or good quality poly-tunnel.

Your approach is commendable, think it over & good luck either way,


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