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Posted: 23/07/2015 by Mrs P

Hello! I have inherited an older [circa] 70 year-old female spur-thighed tortoise. This is because she was attacked in the garden by some children who threw large stones at her. Long story short, cracked shell (still on the mend, but re-dressed every five days or so). She is very active and fit and eats a well-balanced diet of weeds, flowers (and so on) and also enjoys romaine lettuce and cucumber. She eats healthily. She is soaked twice daily for 20 minutes at a time. She is 23cms and 2.3kgs. Her environment is interesting, different substrates in the garden (etc) she can access all areas and the garden is perhaps 80 feet by 80 feet and wraps around the house with a nice dirt track running alongside, which she loves. Also she has a lamp for those colder days, and sleeps indoors at night. Anyway, earlier this year, she had a bit of a wheeze (not currently an issue), and has a daily F10 'spray' in a plastic tub. Latest test results (nasal and stool swabs) show a high amount of yeast, but no bacterial infection. A daily dose of Nystatin was administered for 10 days. X-rays are clear. I realise that the immune system changes during periods of trauma and/or stress and that sometimes this will inhibit the natural ability of the tortoise to fend of infections and so on, but is there anything else I can do to help her recover? She has undergone a course of injectable anti-biotics as well. But what about Reptoboost? Her mouth is clear. Her shell seems fine. Could she possibly have a yeast infection in the respiratory tract? She does not have RNS. I have read that a full recovery from a fungal infection rarely occurs. Is this true? I design my days around my tortoise, so I do have time to pay her all the attention that she needs and deserves. Any hints or tips would be gratefully appreciated. We will be re-visiting the vet in a fortnight's time. Thank you in advance, Mrs P.         

Re: Yeast
Posted: 24/07/2015 by Tom


You appear to have a good vet. Healing in a tortoise of that age is inevitably slow.
Reptoboost is unlikely to help. 
As always, patience is a virtue, your tortoise is lucky to have such a devoted owner.

Best wishes,

Re: Yeast
Posted: 29/07/2015 by Mrs P

Thanks for your kind reply. It is appreciated. So, what you are saying is that there is nothing else that I can do for her? I love this tortoise, but I can't help thinking that her injury will inevitably lead to her demise. But I must try. As I say, any information would be gratefully received. I am trying to upload a photograph, but it doesn't appear to be working...


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