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new keeper to be
Posted: 08/08/2015 by paul in Wales

Hello all

I hopefully will become a new owner and have been perusing various documentation on a number of sights. I haven't decided what type to get at this time , shell design  and husbandry issues shall be the deciding factor. The choice is between Hermanns,Marginated or Horsfield.Is it better to get a hatchling (when ready)or an older one?,also would it be best to wait untill next spring to purchase one ? As hibernation issues if I get wrong might prove disastrious .
 Thank you for any suggestions i might receive

Re: new keeper to be
Posted: 09/08/2015 by Tom

Hello Paul,

Husbandry is much the same for the three species, 'though Horsfield's are adept at tunnelling. It's essential to buy from a breeder.
Hatchlings are a delight, but the choice is yours. 

There is no reason to fear hibernation, it is a natural process.

There are some Welsh breeders on the TPG approved list. ("Buying a Tortoise" box.)



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