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Posted: 09/08/2015 by maryjim


Can somebody please advise me.
I have 2 female hermanns which have produced between them over 30 healthy hatchlings over 5 years but sadly my male died 2 years one of the offspring (definitely male) is trying to mate with parent and other female
 .Is this acceptable and would any offspring be able to be registered 
with defra.
Hoping you can help
Regards Brian

Re: breeding
Posted: 09/08/2015 by Tom

Hello Brian,

Inbreeding should be avoided, so separate them.

You would first have to have the adults microchipped & then apply for A10 Certs..

I suggest that you ring DEFRA to see how they react to the death of your male. The no. is 0117 372 8774.


Re: breeding
Posted: 09/08/2015 by maryjim

Hello Tom 

Thanks for the fast reply 
Both adults have already been chipped and registered with defra complete withA10s and so have the juveniles with Mini microchips and also registered.
Defra was notified on the males death when it happened so all that is in order.
I just was'nt sure if it was ethical to inbreed so thanks for advise
Regards Brian


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