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Basic Information about getting a tortoise please!
Posted: 23/08/2015 by gracebrenton2002

Hi, I am thinking about getting a tortoise, and i am a very responsible and caring person. Also i have wanted a tortoise for a very long time so its not just like I'm going to get one and then loose interest in a couple of months. So basically, I was just wondering how much a tortoise would cost altogether (Including all of the equipment), what it would eat, what diseases it could get, how much vet bills are etc, just all the basic information really. Thanks a lot! :) Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Basic Information about getting a tortoise please!
Posted: 23/08/2015 by Tom

Hello Grace,

All of the info you need can be found on this site. Start by clicking on "The Tortoise / ….." 

If you DIY the housing, the only significant cost is the UVB bulb & fitting.

The essential thing is to buy from a breeder, as opposed to a pet dealer (shop / centre). 


Re: Basic Information about getting a tortoise please!
Posted: 24/08/2015 by grace.brenton2002

ok thank you! 

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