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Horsefields baby hatching
Posted: 08/11/2015 by rwilkie

I wondered if anyone has any advise after being told 3 months for my babies to hatch I looked into the incubator today to see one of them is hatching head and 1 leg out the shell. Do I need to take it off the pearlite or leave it until it is fully emerged from its shell? Any help you can give is appreciated as I am not prepared I have tortoise table ready to set up but know nothing about hatching and thought I had another month to learn

Re: Horsefields baby hatching
Posted: 08/11/2015 by rwilkie

Well it has come out of its shell completely now and seems happy enough

Re: Horsefields baby hatching
Posted: 09/11/2015 by Tom


Drip some tepid water over it in case of any residues & keep it in a small container on (very) wet tissue in the incubator for 24 hours, loosely cover the container with paper.

Click on "The Tortoise…" box, for the section about breeding, for follow on advice.


Re: Horsefields baby hatching
Posted: 12/11/2015 by rwilkie

Well Tiny Tim looks lost in his\her new home. Still surviving so I couldn't be happier loving the daily bath too.


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