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Seed mixture Posted: 04/12/2008 by imfromwales |
I am thinking of buying a seed mixture ( to enable me to feed Ed a wider variety of food seing as though its the winter. | |
Re: Seed mixture Posted: 05/12/2008 by tpgadmin |
Hi Antonio This is a good seed mixture to buy and contains a very good variety of tortoise friendly weed seeds. They will last you years so go for the minimum quantity and when you plant use something deeper than a seed tray. Dandelions, for example, have deep tap roots and the roots need to penetrate down through the soil. If you use a seed tray you will end up with just weed seedlings which can't grow any larger. Also use poor soil as weeds seem to prefer it to the rich garden soil. Remember though that this is the wrong time of year for most of the seeds to start sprouting and unless you fool them and keep them warm they won't start to emerge until the weather starts to get warmer. As weeds naturally appear at different times of the year don't expect all varieties to come through at the same time. If you do find the odd fully grown weed around try dogging that up and planting it too. HTH Helen | |
Re: Seed mixture Posted: 13/12/2008 by imfromwales |
The seeds came a few days ago :) | |
Re: Seed mixture Posted: 13/12/2008 by tpgadmin |
Hi Antonio Yes that sounds fine. An old washing up bowl would do nicely too as will a plant pot. You'll need something underneath to catch any water that drains out. Don't sow too many at a time otherwise they'll all be ready together. Sow some each week and then you'll have a continuous crop when they start sprouting. Sow the seeds on the surface of the well watered soil. Then spread another thin layer of soil over the top and spray with water. Cover with glass or something similar and keep them warm until they start to sprout and then keep them under light. BTW just to confuse things some people keep them in the dark to encourage the seeds to start sprouting and reach up towards the light). Don't over wet them - this should be enough until they start to sprout. HTH Helen | |
Re: Seed mixture Posted: 13/12/2008 by vivtpgadmin |
Hi Antonio, make sure the soil is deep to allow the roots plenty of room. Use really poor soil that has no additives in, and as you say plenty of daylight, I find the worse I treat them the better they survive!!! If you notice the best weeds are along road sides and places where dogs cock their legs - lol, there must be a lesson in there somewhere!Good luck with the weeds .........Vivienne | |