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clicking noises?
Posted: 09/12/2008 by aliceham

Hi All,
Just wondering about Percy. He has been making noises like a bone clicking recently. Is this normal? He is only a few months old. He does this alot when you stroke his shell as well.

Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 09/12/2008 by tpgarlene


Can you let us have a bit more information about this noise - do you think it is a clicking noise from his bones, or is it his breathing?


Arlene TPG

Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 09/12/2008 by aliceham

Hi Arlene
He makes the noise when he's moving his head in and out, which he seems to do quite a lot when stationary, basking etc. Very occasionally he will make a squeaky noise but we haven't noticed this lately. Apart from the clicking he is fairly active, and eats well each day when food is given.

Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 10/12/2008 by tpgadmin


Just another question Click and drag me down to the editor.  Are his nares dry?  Try squeezing gently your finger and thumb together, placing one on top of his beak and one underneath on his chin.  Look for any moisture coming out of his nostrils and let us know.


Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 10/12/2008 by tpgarlene

Sorry, just another quick question <g> what sort of substrate are you using?


Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 11/12/2008 by aliceham

we are using a 50/50 sand and soil mix

Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 11/12/2008 by tpgAli


I dont think its a substrate problem, though i always find that 50/50 is a little too sandy but thats just me <g>. I actually use 60/40 soil/sand.

Have you noticed any wet around the nares? (I know Helen has already asked this question). Sorry for all the questions but it will help us to try and help you <g>



Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 11/12/2008 by aliceham

No, we have never noticed any wet around the nares apart from when he has been in the bath and is drying

Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 11/12/2008 by aliceham

Also, are you sure he won't be hurt if we squeeze his beak and chin?

Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 11/12/2008 by tpgNina

Hi Alice,

It's just a gentle pressure that you put -- not a hard squeeze -- I'm sure you'll be able to gauge it when you actually do it. You won't hurt him if you do it firmly but gently [g].




Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 14/12/2008 by aliceham

nothing has come out. unless im not doing it hard enough. sorry for the wait by the way. usually noone is at home when hes awake (apart from my jeremy, but he would probably do it to hard. besides, he is doing work ALL day)

Re: clicking noises?
Posted: 14/12/2008 by tpgAli


Some of my tortoises make a clicking noise when they are eating but are otherwise 100% healthy and have never shown any signs of any illnesses. I am not saying this is the case with your tortoise and if you are generally worried because its something relatively new then i would take him to see a reptile vet and put your mind at ease.





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