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New Parents are worried Posted: 27/01/2016 by |
Help! We have just adopted an 18 month old Horsefield Tortoise that came from a very well respected reptile specialist. We purchased a vivarium and everything needed for our tortoise from the same shop. As we are unable to maintain a steady temperature in our home it was recommended to keep him in a vivarium rather than a table. When we got him home and set up all seemed fine and he explored his new home energetically. However it has now been 4 days and all he seems to do is sleep under his bark. He has eaten very little and drank even less, and we are now beginning to worry. Can anyone tell us if this is normal and he just needs time to adjust, or do we potentially have something to worry about? | |
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Re: New Parents are worried Posted: 27/01/2016 by Tom |
Hello, Which reptile specialist ? What is the temp. range in the room where the viv. is situated ? What is the temp. at tort level in the viv. - at the hot end? & the cool end ? How many hours is the heat/light on ? What do you mean by "very little" food ? Which foods are you offering. Regards, Tom | |
Re: New Parents are worried Posted: 28/01/2016 by |
Hi Tom | |
Re: New Parents are worried Posted: 28/01/2016 by Tom |
Thanks James, So, open for 20 years & all they can do is give you clueless advice. It is staying under the wood because it is far too hot in the viv.. 29/30C is fine at the basking spot, but 25C is far too hot at the cool end. For the moment open the door 7 or 8cm at the cooler end (& leave open.) The heat / light only needs to be on for 8hrs or so daily. There is no reason whatsoever why you can't use a tort. 'table,' if you have storage rad's. Vivs are not suitable for torts & I would photocopy our correspondence & demand a refund from the pet dealer, on the basis of mis-selling. Use an old drawer as a 'table'. Pellets & carrot are not good for your tort., make sure that the salad leaves are the raddichio, Lamb's lettuce & endive mix. You can still pick dandelion leaves in sheltered areas, in many areas they are still in flower [e.g.Northants.] I suggest that you go to & order the book "Edible Plants ……….." on offer for £5.99 + p&p. Your tort may (or my not) be 18mths old. Sadly they are imported in batches of 1,000 or 1,500 [imagine !!] with no proper info re. age, etc.. Regards, Tom | |
Re: New Parents are worried Posted: 29/01/2016 by Tom |
Do you need lighting advice for the 'table' ? | |