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Advice my tortoise is very sluggish and has a problem with his shell
Posted: 30/03/2016 by Cazb

Looking for some advise I have a horsfield male tortoise about 3 years old, he is kept in a tortoise table, he was a friends tortoise I recently took on, he has been kept with only a lamp for heat he now has a combined heat and Uv lamp, the last week he has been very sluggish sleeping constantly only waking and eating when I bath him and wake him. He is not basking at all under the lamp he goes straight back to the sleeping bit of his table. I've noticed today the top most section of his shell feels hollow and there seems to be some movement in it. He is moving very slowly when he is up and about, does anyone have any advice as to what's wrong and what I need to do? Thank you in advance for any help and advice 🐢

Re: Advice my tortoise is very sluggish and has a problem with his shell
Posted: 30/03/2016 by Tom


You will need to provide much more detail please & pics of the setup if poss..

Temp at the basking spot ?
Distance between bottom of bulb & top of carapace ?
Which lamp & wattage ?
What is it eating ?

As much detail as poss. ……..

Don't squeeze the shell !! ["some movement in it "]



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