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Posted: 30/06/2016 by Greg

Hi, we are hoping to get a Horsefield or a Hermann

We have gone through all the key issues but some specific advice (to ensure we can do this entirely properly), would be greatly appreciated 
We have a front garden and a rear garden, unfortunately I am unable to upload the images
Both gardens are approx 8 metres x 8 metres
Rear garden is flat lawn
Front garden is sloping lawn + 2 trees and large shrubs
Both gardens would have a boundary to prevent escape
Rear lawn would have a tortoise house plus a mesh covered 6ft x 4ft enclosure with substrate / slate gravel etc, inside it but with access to the lawn
Which, if either, garden would be most suitable ?
In both cases the tortoise would only be 'free roaming' outside the enclosure when we are around - which is about 6 hours per day and particularly if we used the front garden - to safeguard against dogs etc
We can also move the tortoise between gardens

Re: Habitat
Posted: 30/06/2016 by


If there is a danger of dogs on the front lawn, then another threat would be theives, so use the rear lawn.

A 6'x4' enclosure is totally inadequate for an adult, I'm not sure why you need it in the rear garden - ?

I'm not a fan of Horsfields, but if the tort has been in captivity for some years, then it should be ok.


Re: Habitat
Posted: 30/06/2016 by Greg

Hi Tom, the reason for the 6 x 4 is that it will have some good substrate in it and also is a short term / temporary thing whilst no-one is around to keep an eye on it

There will also be a small house alongside it - for shelter
My main concern is that the website says that letting it roam on a flat lawn is not good
Kind regards

PS - why not a horsefield ? - do you think we should think about an alternative ?   

Re: Habitat
Posted: 30/06/2016 by

Can you clarify a few facts please Greg,

Why will you need to keep an eye on it in the rear garden ?

What age are you intending to get ?
Where are you hoping to get one from ?


Re: Habitat
Posted: 30/06/2016 by Greg

Hi Tom, if it's roaming free on the lawn we thought birds may be a problem but maybe not - there is no risk of cats/dogs etc

We thought around 1 -2 years old may be best ?
We also thought TPG might be an idea to get one 
Kind regards

Re: Habitat
Posted: 30/06/2016 by

Ah, I thought you had an adult in mind when you noted poss' use of the whole lawn.

If 1 or 2yrs old then start with a 3' x 2' pen made with 6" x 1" timber, (so 6" high), wire netting on top, weighted down, move daily.

If you have a 'proper' lawn (untreated & full of weeds) then the tort can feed naturally on the turf.
Increase the size of the enclosure, as the tort grows.

Be sure to buy from a breeder, beware there are numerous online pretend 'breeders'. Yes the TPG breeders are bona fide.

I don't know why a flat lawn is objected to, provided it's untreated.

Re Horsfields problems are numerous unless you obtain one from a genuine breeder.
Those in the pet trade are all imported & mostly wild caught, so poss' huge vet bills or worse !! Stick to Hermanns or T. ibera.

Best wishes,

Re: Habitat
Posted: 01/07/2016 by Greg

That's all excellent advice, many thanks for your help Tom

Kind regards


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