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Weight gain
Posted: 01/07/2016 by gillhav

When we got our tortoise, a Horsefield, he/she weighed 39g. He/she is 13months old. Today he/she weighs 49g which seems too much gain. We feed her/ him on a shell sized amount of weed leaves each morning. Worried about pyramiding. 

Please could you advise.
Thank you

Re: Weight gain
Posted: 01/07/2016 by


Can you provide more detail please -

Where & when did you get it ?
How do you keep it incl. temps & timings, etc.. ?

Re: Weight gain
Posted: 01/07/2016 by gillhav

Sorry those details were scant in re reading. Bought from a breeder who gave very good advice which is the same as we have read here. We got her 21.05.16 so we've had her just over a month now. Tortoise table with lamp on 7:00am - 7:00pm or outside in tortoise table when warm and sunny Not been out everyday due to the weather. So my worry is that she's gained  around 10g in weight 

Thank you Gill

Re: Weight gain
Posted: 01/07/2016 by

I'm glad it's not imported Gill,

I wouldn't worry at this stage, you can always reduce the heat period at some stage, if growth soars.
I'd get it out as much as poss., cloud or haze is preferable to a lot of sun. 
When weighing small torts., note that if the 1st weigh is with an evacuated gut, & the 2nd weigh is with a very full gut, the difference can be surprising. Just weigh weekly & see how it goes.
You can hibernate it for 3mths this winter, thus further helping to prevent MBD.

Best wishes,

Re: Weight gain
Posted: 01/07/2016 by gillhav

Thank you so much for your advice. The advice about heat was something we didn't know about. I'll read up on that. We do try and put her out in the garden table but it's been bad weather. She does love to be in her outside enclosure though. Fully understand the weight discrepancy depending on hydration and defaecation. Had not even considered hibernation as we believed shed need to be much heavier and older. Thank you again Gill


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