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Help with decision
Posted: 21/07/2016 by tory

Hello I am a new member. I have joined because I have a serious dilemma.  I have had my male tortoise since I was little and am now 49! My next door neighbour had a female which died in  hibernation this year. Mine was always after her but she also sought him out and they would both get into each others gardens. Now my neighbour doesn't go into the garden as much and he is missing for days at a time. although there are plenty of weeds for him to eat I worry he isn't getting any fluid as I have never seen him drink. I am in poor health and not able to go searching for him out of my own garden. I would really like him to be with a female. Should I try to rehome him or get a female in to stop him roaming?

Thanks in advance for any advice

Re: Help with decision
Posted: 21/07/2016 by


If he keeps disappearing, there can be dangers lurking.

It's a bit late now to worry, if you haven't seen him drink in 40+ years.

Given your poor state of health, I think it would be best if you find him a good home. The TPG can help - click on the "TPG Tortoise Rehoming" box.
Best wishes,


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