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Devastated new tortoise keeper
Posted: 06/08/2016 by Mindi

Hi there, sorry, think I posted this on the wrong thread

 My story......
 After many months of research and advice given, regarding the pitfalls out there, I decided to play safe and get our first tortoises from the most recommended breeder of Indian stars I could find as this was going to be a one off purchase of our long term pets, and seamed well worth the extra costs involved. However, to cut a 4 month story short, they became sick and after lots of tests, and hospitalisation for a week, and a vets bill for £734, they tested positive for micro plasma. Last Saturday the less sickly one, Myrtle, suddenly died.
    Maude is hanging in there but I know I will not be able to replace her buddy and I'm still having to nebulise her twice a day. What is making the deverstation even worse is the fact that the breeder will not answer any of my communications. I feel I may have been better taking my chances with the pet trade. Please can someone give me advice, I'm heart broken.

Re: Devastated new tortoise keeper
Posted: 08/08/2016 by

Hello Mindi,

I'm sorry to read of your plight. They are not a suitable species for a novice, but you obviously looked into the matter very carefully. 

There are several species of micoplasma found in tortoises.The vets have charged you a substantial amount, what prognosis do they give for Maude ? I hope she pulls through.

It is regrettable that non-temperate species are allowed to be imported & traded. 
In the long term you cannot beat T.hermanni.

Who is the 'most well known breeder' of 'Stars' who will not reply to you - so that others may be warned !!



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