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New Tortoise - unsure about lighting
Posted: 17/08/2016 by dazanteney4

Hello all,

We are brand new to keeping a tortoise, it was given to us but a family memberwho couldn't keep it anymore.

He is 2 years old and is used to living in a box with no extra lighting/heat.Obv we need to provide this for him. He will be kept inside for the winter/whenwe are at work but outside in our garden (he loves it atm) on other days.
I understand we can use a normal 60w to 100w light bulb for the heat in hisbox? Or can we use LED lights?
IE -

Our house is kept pretty warm (15-18C during the winter) as we weren’t going tohibernate him, so would we still need to keep him warm?
For the UV we were just going to have a normal "bendy" lamp with abulb in. Would either of these bulbs provide the UV he needs?

Any advice you can provide on this would be great.

FYI - We have got his food sorted and a lot of testing (he refused he eatcertain items but loves cabbage, lettuce and banana!) He's getting used to theweeds.


Re: New Tortoise - unsure about lighting
Posted: 17/08/2016 by dazanteney4

Or would this bulb work for all of it?

Re: New Tortoise - unsure about lighting
Posted: 17/08/2016 by


Which species is it ?


Re: New Tortoise - unsure about lighting
Posted: 19/08/2016 by

Species anonomous  ?

It did well to survive in the conditions you describe.
Yes Megaray 100W. 
It must also have a 'dome'. A clamp lamp is good. Discard the clamp & hang at 90deg.

Food - avoid brassicas [cabbage family], lettuce & all fruit, [banana is the worst, it can block the nares].

By year 5+ a 15sqm enclosure plus large night house will be needed.

Don't let it out in the house.



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