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Runny Nose
Posted: 23/08/2016 by Linny21

My tortoise (Hermann) has RNS and there is no vet locally to treat him - nearest is 50 miles away and I do not have transport.

Is anyone able to give me antibiotics if I pay them for them?  Or is there anywhere on-line where I can purchase them?
Thank you

Re: Runny Nose
Posted: 23/08/2016 by

You are self-diagnosing & this is unwise.
Which antibiotics & what amount ?

Can you give full details about your tort & it's background. 
How is it kept ?
Is it bright eyed & feeding well ?


Re: Runny Nose
Posted: 24/08/2016 by Linny21

Hello Tom

Just to let you know that I found a local vet who was listed on TPG and was local to area we are in.
I had consultation last night and Arthur had an antibiotic injection whilst there and I have got liquid antibiotics to treat him with. 

Re: Runny Nose
Posted: 25/08/2016 by

Good thanks for letting me know.

RNS is very rare indeed in Hermanns, it is often a secondary problem, so be vigilant.

You didn't ansa my question re. it's environment etc., it may be part of the problem.


Re: Runny Nose
Posted: 25/08/2016 by


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