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Hermann advice
Posted: 08/09/2016 by Greg

Hi, some general advice or observations on the following would be very much appreciated -

- we acquired a 6 year old Hermann last weekend, everything appears fine - he's eating and occasionally chases my son around the garden, except for a couple of things -
- he was housed in a vivarium, we now have him in a tortoise table with a 150 watt combined heat/UV lamp located 12 inches above his shell height
- issue - he seems to spend a lot of time under there
- the second issue is that as the weather is warm/hot, from around 11.30am we have progressively put him outside into his enclosure but he seems to spend all his outdoor time under his tortoise house ramp and seldom ventures out except for a few minutes at the start - to decimate the dandelions

Any advice or observations would be greatly appreciated
Kind regards

Re: Hermann advice
Posted: 08/09/2016 by DarrenAdmin

So long as he is warming up OK when outside, I wouldn't worry. Let him do what he likes. He's eating so nothing to worry about.
Do try and get him outside as much as possible (when the weather permits). Ensuring he has warmed up before he goes outside will help increase his activity when out.

Re: Hermann advice
Posted: 08/09/2016 by Greg

Many thanks Darren, we are trying to get him outside at every opportunity during the day

One final question please - there's conflicting advice on 'outdoors' - some say not under 23 degrees, other people say they leave them outside for the summer

The weather will close in soon, so up until then, any guidance on what you think would be the minimum temperature ?

Thanks and regards


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