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Weed ID please
Posted: 23/12/2008 by imfromwales

I have been out picking weeds today I thought would be suitable for Ed after looking on TLady's weed pictures (

Ive taken a picture of the weeds which I cant work out what they are. I think the weed on the far left of the image is Plantains although im not sure.

Ive uploaded a file, it did work although i cant see anything which posting this to say it has uploaded sucessfully and you will be able to see it. If you cant see it, please copy and paste the following into your browser for the image:

Thanks for any IDs,

Re: Weed ID please
Posted: 23/12/2008 by tpgadmin

Hi Antonio

You have on the left, narrow leaf plantain which is fine for tortoises, then next at the top is dead nettle which is also OK.  At the bottom you have a dock leaf which you shouldn't feed, then the one with the fringing looks a bit like cow parsley, but that is so similar to hemlock which is toxic so I wouldn't give it.  anyway cow parsley is slightly toxic too.  The one on the right looks a bit like hedge mustard and if it is then it's OK, but I'm not sure.  You really need to see the plant when it is in flower as so many look the same.

HTH a bit.



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