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Tortoise Cold/health Posted: 31/12/2016 by Holiday |
Hi I have a 3 month old hermanns. We bought him from a breeder. We have had him a week. He is in a table top house. We were advised not to use any substrate just newspaper. I have a combined basking bulb (80w) which is 7inches above the top of his shell. We also have a night heat lamp only (75w) which we have on through the night as he is in our extension room which can get to below 10 degrees at night. I just want some advise on how we are keeping him & if we are doing things right? Any help would be much appreciated! What Should the day/night temperatures be on average? He has been eating ok but has not ate anything today yet. He was in the sheltered part all last night and when we woke this morning he was still there and his shell was very cold, we ended up moving him under the heat & he is there now. Is it normal for them to be this cold? The day we got him he had a few poo's but not noticed anything since? Kind Regards Karen | |
Re: Tortoise Cold/health Posted: 31/12/2016 by |
Hello, You have been let down by the breeder who should have provided a detailed Caresheet for hatchlings. Newspaper should not be used for several reasons - just use an inch or so of garden soil. Can you upload photos of your setup please & I'll then list some suggestions re. temps etc. Regards, Tom | |
Re: Tortoise Cold/health Posted: 31/12/2016 by Holiday |
Hi Tom We did get a care sheet which states day temp should be between 24-27 degrees and at night between 18-21 degrees. The room he is in can get below 10degrees at night at the moment so we put the other heat bulb on at night to help but we find he hides away from the heat & his shell is very cold in the mornings. We were advised just to use newspaper as substrate can affect their stomach if digested so this is why we have just been using newspaper. Sometimes he has hid under the newspaper for quite a while as well. I've attached a couple of pictures from inside his house let me know if they come through... Thanks Karen | |
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Re: Tortoise Cold/health Posted: 31/12/2016 by |
Thanks for the pics Karen, Some Caresheet !! If it was any good you wouldn't be on here. Does this breeder think they live on newspaper in the wild. What is the Country of Origin in Box 10 on your A10 Cert. ? Remove the covered part of the table, warm air will not circulate into it, a very common problem. The pet trade put these in to justify high prices. Temp at the hot spot below the bulb at tort level, needs to be 30-32C. You may need a 100W UVB bulb. You also need an 8" dome reflector for it [either]. 10C at night is too low, it will want to hibernate. Put it gently in a shoe box and move to a warmer room at night. Tom | |