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Eyes swollen shut
Posted: 19/04/2017 by Mreynolds

my tortoise sheldon has always been very active and never stops eating, however yesterday when I bathed him and fed him I noticed his eyes were completely swollen shut and almost look like two blisters, he's not eaten and isn't moving much, I'm not sure what to do, any advice?

Re: Eyes swollen shut
Posted: 19/04/2017 by


From what you state it is clearly in a life threatening state. It needs urgent vet' treatment. Whereabouts do you live ? [NOT your address]. Let me know & I'll try to find the nearest reptile vet.


Re: Eyes swollen shut
Posted: 19/04/2017 by Mreynolds

Potters bar area

Re: Eyes swollen shut
Posted: 19/04/2017 by

Village Vet

79 Southgate Road 
P' Bar

01707 645089

This is very likely to be linked to a husbandry problem. Just post again for more advice after your trip to the vet.



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