You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise Legislation > Certification

Posted: 29/03/2021 by lizziemartin

Hi All,

I’ve been given 4 Hermann tortoiseswhilst living in Spain which we have had since birth they are now 3 yearsold.  The lady who gave them to me has no documentation for her tortoisesas she inherited them when she bought her house. 

 Can you help, if I was to move back tothe UK would I need a certificate for them to bring them home with me I amworried when I get to customs they will confiscate  them and they are verymuch loved pets.   I’ve had tortoises all my life my original 2 arewith my Mum in Wales and are over 50 years old so I am not an armature inlooking after tortoises.

 I would greatly like any help or adviceyou can give me.

Many thanks


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