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New CITES fees
Posted: 04/01/2009 by tortoise_dude

Hi All,

Just wonder, do the new CITES fees for certifcates apply for hatchlings that you have bred aswell as the adult tortoise that is being bred from? I am just wondering as surely a fee for each hatchlings would make it very hard for petshops/breeders to be able to continue breeding/dealing tortoises, because of the costs involved?

How much are the fees exactly? I'v read a little bit of information on them, and as I'm soon going to apply for Yanni's cert when she is up from Hibernation, I just need to figure out how much it will cost me :)


Re: New CITES fees
Posted: 04/01/2009 by TPGDarren

I wasn't aware the fees had come in yet Josh? - Animal Health/DEFRA have been suggesting they'll start raising fees for a few years now.


Re: New CITES fees
Posted: 04/01/2009 by tortoise_dude

I was under the impression they came into place recently... will find the link where it said that for you, Will have to do a search for it.


Re: New CITES fees
Posted: 04/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hope you don't mind me coming in. I went to a conference in October 2008, where John Hounslow (Head of UK CITES management auth) was giving a talk. he said that the A10 certs would cost £25.00 as from 1/4/2009. He suggested that if anyone had any queries to to contact www.defra/animalhealth/cites. He also said that there are meetings at Brussels over the next 18 months, so now is the time to say something if you don't think things are right. Best to contact your local MP for changes to CITES. As you can image there was alot of issues raised, but in all fairness he appeared willing to listen and take them on board.
Hope this helps

Re: New CITES fees
Posted: 04/01/2009 by TPGDarren

Thanks for the info Jane

Best Regards

Re: New CITES fees
Posted: 16/01/2009 by tpgarlene



Just a quick update on this, I spoke to someone at DEFRA today, they confirmed what Jane has said, that charging will come in from 1st April, at £25 per application.  I asked whether that was per tortoise, and was told that this was per application, so effectivley per clutch.


Arlene TPG


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