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Micro Chips.
Posted: 16/01/2009 by sky

Hi, what is everyone's views on chipping torts, I have a few questions?

Would you only do this if you intend to breed?

Roughly how much does it cost?

Do you need you cert to have them done?

I understand that they need tobe a certain size before this can be done, what happens if you dont know the history of your tort, where bred, say it was a re homer with no paper work. Is it easy enough to change the chip details over by a phone call.

Sorry question time over could go on a bit more but will leave for another day.

Re: Micro Chips.
Posted: 16/01/2009 by vivtpgadmin

Hi, we recently discussed micrchipping torts, and on the whole its is best to only chip them if absolutely necessary, that is if you are planning to breed them and sell the off spring.  I have added the link for you to see the discussion, any questions or queries please post them,

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Micro Chips.
Posted: 17/01/2009 by tortoise7


Picking up from the discussion on microchipping on the 5/1/09. Just confirming that BCG do still do the Finger printing (Photo of carapace & Plastron) for identification. I have done Keya, just waiting for Molly to settle down and I will do her too. Personally I think this is much nicer for the torts and safer.

Re: Micro Chips.
Posted: 17/01/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi there

As Viv has mentioned there is another thread which does cover some of your questions, as to cost, it does vary from vet to vet, it cost me about £20 I think the last time I had it done.  Although you need to have a tortoise over 10cm chipped if it is to be sold, or bred from, and the chip number is quoted on the Article 10 certificate, you do not need to have a certificate to chip a tortoise, just as you dont need any certificates etc to chip a dog.  Once the tortoise is chipped, you will recieve the registration paperwork from whoever the chip is registered with (ie PetLog), and there are instructions on there as to how to change your address details etc if you move - there is sometimes an admin fee for doing this too.




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