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help help help please :)
Posted: 20/01/2009 by littletorts

hi ya,

im new to this site so please bare with me i hope i done this right...

i been luckly enough to been given 3 tunisian torts by a old lady who sadly passed away,she has no family (she also knew how much i loved torts)

but who knows what would have happened to them if i didnt take them in :) but im really happy as i love them so much there my babys in my eyes and a day doesnt go by with out me playing with them... anyway i wanted to ask if anyone could help me please,

how can i tell how old they are???

as im not sure how long the lady had these for,if anyone could help i be very greatful for. i just would be interested to know.

hope to hear off you soon,

thankyou so much

take care

Re: help help help please :)
Posted: 21/01/2009 by TPGJo

Hi and welcome to the site Click and drag me down to the editor

How sad about the old lady, she must have trusted you to pass on her tortoises.  Do you have any pictures of the tortoises?  It can be very difficult to 'age' a tortoise, particularly as they get older, but if they are youngsters we might have a rough idea.  Do you know how long the lady had them for?

There are cares sheets you can download if that will be any help to you, tortoise husbandry has changed a lot over the years and you might find them very useful !  Just click on 'Tortoise' on the left hand side of the screen.

If you have any kitchen scales, could you also give us their weights in grammes, thanks.


Re: help help help please :)
Posted: 21/01/2009 by TPGJo

Not sure what happenend to my previous message, it's gone off the page !

Anyway, I was saying that the link I gave you will take you to the Tortoise Trust site, they have an excellent tunisian care sheet along with ID pictures to help you work out if they are definately tunisians.

Please feel free to post pics on here, we would love to see them Click and drag me down to the editor



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