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Jelly wee
Posted: 23/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Folks
Well it didn't take Molly long did it ? hmmmmmmmm. Would just like some confirmation to my theory really.  The last 3 times that Molly has gone to the wee, it has been a very yellow  blob of jelly. Her urates are with this and are fine. and are white. It does not smell and Molly is eating Ok. I am thinking that it could be the old urine in her reserve stock that she is replacing now that she has access to water. Would I be right in thinking this. Has anyone else experienced this or is it another visit to the vet.

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Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 23/01/2009 by vivtpgadmin

Hi Jane, I must admit I haven't come across a 'yellow jelly' wee before, could it be a wee that is mixed with some poo, or even a 'jelly poo'?  It could possibly be that her wee could have been discoloured by her food, I know dandelions can sometimes make wee a redish colour.

In anycase, to be on the safe side I would keep a close eye on her and if she does it again to scoop some up in a clean container and take it to the vet to get it checked out. Hope this helps

Regards Vivienne

Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 23/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Vivienne

It is definately wee, as she has been to a poo and it is quite solid, abit too much actually, so I am giving her Opuntia. I have brought a sterile pot this evening so if she does it again I will take your advice and take a sample over to the vet. what a subject eh Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 24/01/2009 by tortoise7

Well true to form, Molly's wee is back to normal this morning. (Any clues why they do this to us?Click and drag me down to the editor ) I think that this was probably normal after hibernation and think (only think) that it could have been her reserve tank, would love to hear from anyone who has experienced the same thing. I probably would have never seen this had she been fully hibernated and out in the garden in spring! poor Molly I seem to have her under totally observation and don't miss a thing. Anyway my motto has became Happy Tort, Happy Mum... so for today anyway I shall continue to enjoy them both.
Happy Week end


Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 24/01/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jane,

I've had this with a rehomer I took a few on 4 or so years back. I took her on in hibernation as the owner was concerned with her weight before she went into hibernation. I decided to wake her and over-winter her. On waking she passed very thick jelly and yellow blobs. Once she was rehydrated it cleared after a couple of days and there was never any repeat.


Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 24/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Darren
That's good to know that someone else has experienced this. But strangley this is Molly's 3rd week out of hibernation and it only happened in this last week! still it has cleared up now so thats good. Do you think it could have been the reserve bladder?

Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 24/01/2009 by TPGDarren

That's strange it should happen two weeks after. The one I took on here passed the goo during the first two days. I would have thought she would have passed it before she did. I'll have a read up this weekend to see if I can find anything on it.


Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 24/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Darren

Thanks, That will be great. I love learning and understanding what makes the torts tick.


Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 25/01/2009 by tpgadmin

Hi Jane

I don't know enough about chelonian physiology but I think that it is really turtles and the desert tortoise where there is a reserve bladder. 

From what I understand the renal physiology can vary from species to species depending on the environment; i.e. on whether water is plentiful for them or whether water is in short supply. 

Most tortoises use their bladder for fluid balance and uric acid precipitation/electrolyte excretion.  It's the kidneys that produce the urine and it is then sent down the 2 ureters to the cloaca where it is emptied into a structure called the urodeum.  From there it is either sent to the bladder if required for re-absorption or passed on into the proctodeum to be mixed with faeces and then voided.

Some turtles have been found to have small accessory bladders attached to the urodeum.

Hope this helps  a little Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 25/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Helen
Well that was interesting , I thought all torts had a reserve bladder so I learnt something new there. I will be really interested in looking at the physiology as per your description. Molly hasn't been to a wee today, well not that I could see in the bath, so I don't know if she will pass that jelly stuff again, I am hoping not. Thank you for that interesting information


Re: Jelly wee
Posted: 27/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Darren
 Did you find anything?
I have tried to look at a diagram giving reference to what Helen told me, but can't. Is the only book available "Medicine & Surgery of tortoises & turtles" by Wilkinson, as it is really expensive. Is there another source you know of?





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