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Black grains in wee Posted: 03/02/2009 by tortoise7 |
Hi Well here we are again, my family think I don't do anything else but stay on wee patrol with my two!!!! but these things do keep raising their ugly heads. Twice now when Molly has been a wee it has contained some black granules like tea, does that mean anything to anyone?
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Re: Black grains in wee Posted: 03/02/2009 by tpgAli |
Hi Jane, What texture are the urates, are they thick and creamy or more runny? I know this might seem weird asking but a picture would help if you could get one at all? Ali
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Re: Black grains in wee Posted: 03/02/2009 by tortoise7 |
Hi Ali The urates are normal and are passed in the wee. The Black granules are in the actual wee too, which is a milky colour. It does not have a strong smell or fishy at all. The first time it was on a unit when I was weighing her, at first I thought it was pieces of compost soil that might have got stuck around the cloaca, but it happened again this morning with the same thing. I rubbed the granules and they just crumbled apart. Really strange isn't it? I have something in the back of my mind that I read about this somewhere, but cannot remember what it was or where I read it. | |
Re: Black grains in wee Posted: 04/02/2009 by tpgNina |
Gosh, Jane, I have no idea what this is, but I think that if it happens again you should try and save the wee and the granules and take it to a vet for analysis. The wee shouldn't be a milky colour at all -- the urates in the wee should be a milky colour, but not the wee itself (and you should be able to distinguish the urates from the wee). Maybe someone else has heard of this and will come in with an answer. Could the second time it happened also be bits of soil that got stuck around the cloaca? | |
Re: Black grains in wee Posted: 04/02/2009 by tortoise7 |
Hi Nina That was exactly what I thought. It happened again this morning but she was in the bath so I couldn't get a sample. I am going to have to wait until I can get a sample and get it tested. This morning I actually picked the granules out and and really had a good look at them, they were very much like tiny grains of soil, but logic was saying that they could not be. very peculiar, Molly seems well in her self and is eating OK.. Jane | |
Re: Black grains in wee Posted: 05/02/2009 by tortoise7 |
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Re: Black grains in wee Posted: 05/02/2009 by tpgadmin |
What a relief it must be for you. I bet Molly wondered what you were up to scooping up her wee lol Anyway much better to be safe and have it checked at least you know she's still in tip top form . Helen | |
Re: Black grains in wee Posted: 06/02/2009 by tortoise7 |
HI Helen Jane | |