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Posted: 24/02/2009 by shazzler

hi all, ive noticed twiglet doesnt seem to be leaving any urates, hes eating  and pooping fine, he drinks both during his soaks and from his dish, hes active, his temps are fine,

after his hibernation he was up and about really quickley and i bathed him every day for the first 4 days and now its every 3 days tho he has freshwater daily, he has expeeled urates during his first 2 baths but nothing since, but this morning he was eating his food on his grey slate and he piddled but just water again no urates, is this a cause for concern,

any advice  greatly recieved

shazzler xxxx

Re: urates
Posted: 24/02/2009 by tpgadmin

Hi Shazzler

Good to see you posting againClick and drag me down to the editor  No cause for concern afaik.  It just shows he is well hyrdrated.  Pleased to hear Twiglet is up and about after a succesful hibernation. 

I just got my male hermanns, Michael, up yesterday.  He's had 2 baths so far, but no wee as yet.  He has started to eat though so all well so far.  I've still 2 female hermanns and 3 juvenile Russians in hibernation and they have a few more weeks to go unless they wake up sooner.


Re: urates
Posted: 24/02/2009 by shazzler

phew thanks for that helen i was starting to panic ,

good luck with your torts

shazzler xxxxxx

Re: urates
Posted: 12/06/2009 by shazzler

thanks helen xxxx


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