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Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by Row

Tetley has some bubbles coming out of his nose!please help, really worried is this RNS.

He's eating fine only happened 5 mins ago.

Really worried what can I do?

Should I guve him a bath? Keep him warm?  Any advice please?


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Row,

Sorry to hear of Tetley's problem.
Bathe him and keep him warm.

If you press firmly but gently in between his lower jaw-bone, this will expel air out of his nostrils and may help clear the nasal passage.

I did it with one of mine a few years ago and a long piece of grass came out - it cleared up immediately.

It may just be substrate or some other foreign object, if there's no improvement tomorrow, I'd be inclined to take him to the vets.

Please let us know how you get on with him.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by Row

Thanks Darren will do that now.  They've been ourside this weekend as temps reading 30+ but only for an hour.  Have I done something wrong.



Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by Row

Sorry darren when you say about pressing his jaw bone do you mean his chin, the soft part under his head?

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by TPGDarren

Nope-you've done nothing wrong - it's best for them to go out when warm - all of my lot are out today.

Underneath his bottom jaw (inside the oval of his jawline) you'll feel a soft area. It you gently but firmly press in here - it will force air out of his nostrils. If he is RNS it'll give you a better indication of how bad the RNS is - or it may clear a blockage.

I think we're talking about the same area:-)

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by Row

phew glad I haven't put them out too early or when too cold!  I have pressed this area and no bubbles or foriegn body emerged.  Been watching him now for the last 20-30 mins and no sign of any more bubbles.  Is this the usual if it is RNS or with RNS is there continuos bubbling???

Tried listening to his breathing but he keeps moving his legs so all I can here are these scraping on his shell. 


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by TPGDarren

It can appear come and go in the early stages.

I'd recommend you keep a close eye on him, keep him warm and plenty of bathing.

It could still just be something that will clear itself and is not RNS.

You could take him to the vets for a check up - if it re-occurs, I'd take him straight away as it is more effective to treat RNS in the aarly stages.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by Row

Thanks.  He is under close watch.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by tortoise7


Just a suggestion, but was twiglet eating or drinking at the time, as I know Keya done that to me once and it was after a piece of cucumber, the juice came out of her nose, and I panicked thinking she had RNS, but luckily it wasn't.
Click and drag me down to the editor Jane

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by tortoise7

Sorry meant Tetley


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by Row

Hi Jane,

Makes a change for Twiggy not appear on here!

He'd had some plantain a couple of mins before and then dispeared to bed which is very unlike him when food is about! I checked then and saw the bubbles and the worry started. I've been watching all afternoon but no more bubbles, so possibly it was the food....

I'm hoping it was the food or something in his nose.....

He's paronid now as I keep staring at him poor thing.

Thanks for the suggestion though and I'm really hoping it is something very silly.

They really are such a worry.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 22/03/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Row
I know what you mean about the staring and making them paranoid, Keya's eye was playing up and I keep looking into it to see if it is OK, I think I am unnerving her too... whatever did we do with our time before we had them?? Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 23/03/2009 by Row

Well Tetley has been under close observation and no more bubbles.  He's had two baths today and he passed urates in both which were only very slightly gritty. He's never had this before so baths are going to be upped.

He's not himself though he looks sad and fed up.  He seems only to be basking then heading to his bedroom and sleeping and not exploring his enclosure as usual. 

He's still eating and literally gallops when he see's the food coming.

Any sugestions / ideas?

Also when does the worrying stop?

Thanks Row

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 23/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

After THINKING summer is here and now cooler days are back its no wonder the torts (and myself) are fed up! Just continue to keep a close eye on her, just incase the bubbles reappear. As for the worrying, it doesn't stop. I have just spent the complete day worried sick because I was taking six of mine to get microchipped and it went like a dream, felt like such a plonker for having spent the day so worried. The summer days does make it all worth while though!



Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 23/03/2009 by Row

Thanks Elaine.  I think I may have over reacted with the bubbles but I do just worry so much.  The slighest change in their behaviour and I'm a nervouse wreck and giving them full examinations.  So apologies for my panic! He's still under close observation. no doubt another post will be on here from me with another question, problem or some kind of episode.....  Everytime I post something I hear the sighs of "Row's at it agian"!!

Great to have the support and reassurance from you all.

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 23/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

Row, We would far prefer to have needless panic than miss something, you keep those questions comming.

Click and drag me down to the editor Elaine

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 23/03/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Row,

Glad to here he's OK,

As Elaine said he's probably hacked off the nice weather has gone:-)

Tortoises do sometimes do this, but soon bounce back. A good appetite is always a good sign.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by Row


Tetley has sneezed this morning and some clear stuff came from his nose. Not lots just a tiny amount.  Do you think a trip to the vets is now necessary?


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Row,

Who's your local vet are they on our list at all?
If I were you I'd be inclined to take him in for a check up to a good vet.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by Row

Hi Darren,

No not on your list but it's one that helped with Twiggy when she was unwell. I think Nina tracked it down for me.  I am waiting for him to call me back as it is an hours drive from me and abviousley don't want to stress Tetley unnessarily.

When/if I take him is  there any drugs that I should avoid etc? You here such stories of the wrong kinda thing bein prescibed.



Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by Row

Have spoken with the vet and he has said that as long as Tetley is eating I shouldn't worry........... I have been watching and no ore sneezing and no mor stuff from his nose

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

Well Row, That is a very bland diagnoses, I'd change your vet. I have seen tortoises very very ill and eating. Back to Tetley, I assume you have put the fat side of yor thumb under his chin and pressed upwards? If it is RNS after a couple of firm presses bubbles will appear. If so go to a reptile vet. If not, since this is the second time this has happened look for an enviromental reason. Is there something in the setup that could have triggered this? You hadn't just finished bathing him or had he just finished drinking? Had he eaten washed weeds? Is he in a draft? Check your temps again especially the cold corner which they all seam to find, and every set up has. Please keep us updated if anything else happens.



Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by TPGDarren

A tortoise will eat when it has got early stages of RNS, the trouble is if you wait until it gets to the point it stops eating, you're looking at a tortoise that has advanced stages of RNS and is pretty sick. It may well clear up and may not even be RNS, but if it continues I'd would take him to the vets for a check up and possible AB's.

Occasionally I have a tortoise that comes out of hibernation with a slightly runny nose, if it doesn't clear up, monitoring carefully, a short course of Batryl clears it up in a very short length of time. I'd never leave it to the point where they stop eating - that seems pretty dangerous advice to me:-(



Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by Row

yes I've done the pressing thing on several occaisons during the week and agian today after I saw the stuff and nothing came out.  This vet was recomended as a tort vet and is now the second vet I've been too....... I've made an appointment to go on Tuesday anyway.

He was drinking and eating this morning.  I'm wondering whether it could be his substrat being to dusty altough I spray it.  I've got some retoboost so going to try that to see if it will perk him up to.  At a bit of  aloss will keep monitoring him.

Darren what is AB's???


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by vivtpgadmin

Hi Row, not Darren!! but AB's are anti-biotics!!!


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 28/03/2009 by Row

thank you!!!!!

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 30/03/2009 by Row


Tetley has jusr got back from the vets, he went a day earlt and to another vets which actually closer  He has got a respirtory infrction so had an injection of baytril and I've got a course to give on his food.  He also was wormed  (pancur) and the vet was vey nice but he did say that Tetley was under weight.  I'm takin Twiggy tomorrow to be wormed also and then I've got to take them back in 10 days for more worming stuff.

As always thank for all your support.

What do I need to do as I contacted one of the vets on the list on TPG and he is no longer there???


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 30/03/2009 by TPGDarren

Glad you managed to get him in early Row. I've used Batryl here on rehomers and found it very effective in the past, so hopefully Tetley will be on the mend soon.

Which vet was it on the list that is no longer there please & I'm sure Helen will update the list accordingly.

Thanks for letting us know and fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 30/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

At least you have got to the bottom of it now and i'm sure a speedy recovery will be on its way. There will be a huge difference once Tetley is actually gaining the goodness from his food, all in time for the sunny days and good natural grazing 

You've done well to keep on top of this Row, good job done!

Just e-mail us regrding the vet and we will ammend it.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 03/04/2009 by Row


tetley has been on Bayril noe for 5 days.  He had an injection at the vets and now is having it orally with me. He still has bubbles coming from his nose is this normal or should it have cleared up by now? 

The vet gave me 10 days worth of Baytril and advised to keep his temps up over night which I am doing.



Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 03/04/2009 by tpgadmin

I'm not sure Row, but I think I would have expected to see some improvement by now.  Are you keeping Tetley well hydrated by bathing him at least a couple of times a day whilst he is on the antibiotics?  What temps are you keeping him at day and night?

If there is no sign of any improvement by Monday I would be tempted to give you vet a phone call and see what he says.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 04/04/2009 by Row

Hi Helen,

He's being bathed at least once a day and his urates are good no gritty texture. His temps are 30-35 in the hot spot and 20 in cooler areas. At night his temps are no lower 18. Do you think that the temps are ok? He's still eating really well and getting himself up in the morning. 

Thanks Row

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 04/04/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Row,

It sounds to me that the cool end/night time temps are too cool and the AB's won't be effective 24/7 - which is what should be aimed for. The temps in the cooler areas need to be higher in order to speed up the metabolism and boost the immune system. I will check, but would have thought the cooler areas should be around 25-28 with more frequesnt bathing (3 times a day to make an allowance for the higher temps/dehydration). I'll drop Kevin a line and ask he kindly confirm.


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 04/04/2009 by Row

Hi Darren,

Sorry if I'm being stupid but should his night time temps be 25-28 also?  Tetley isn't really going into the cooler parts of the enclosure.  He's staying under his heat lamp then into a slightly cooler part almost as if he knows he has too.

Thanks Row

Thanks Row

Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 04/04/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Row,

I've mailed Kevin to ask he advise the ideal temps. You really want the AB's to be working at night-time too and at 18deg they will be pretty much inactive as his metbolism will be working a lot slower. Kevin will be able to advise you the best course of action and the very latest recommended treatment


Re: Bubbles from nose help please
Posted: 04/04/2009 by Row

Thank you your time and effort really is appreciated.



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