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Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by jen |
Hello everybody I took Herculees (male t.h.b 50yrs+) to the vets today as I was worried he may have the starting of shell rot.
Thank you Jenni | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by tobiesmum |
hi i am some what of a novice with torts only having one for two months, my 3 year old horsfield had some old shell rot diagnosed by a vet last week and the vet said it was fine to use betadine. my vet said 7% mix with water but the TPG said 1% so am diluting it. hope that helps but am sure somone who knows more than me will help futher | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by tpgarlene |
Hi Jenni I have an old THB, and he does have some flakey areas too, these are stable and nothing more than old age, but it always worth having any suspect areas checked out in case there is something else brewing. Is your vet a specialist tortoise vet? I know it can be difficult trying to get clear photos of the shell, but if you use your camera on the macro setting, it may work better. Using somethng like Betadine wont do any harm, but do make sure that you dilute it and rinse it off afterwards, some of these preparations are quite harsh, and can actually slow down the healing process if not used properly. I use Tamodine from Vetark (tamed iodine) which is ready diluted, and easy to use, but propbably a bit more expensive :) Arlene TPG | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by tpgadmin |
I've learned something new here, thanks Arlene as I dilute the Tamodine I use. I've just been to look at my bottle and have discovered mine is Tamodine E. Is this different to the one that you use? Helen | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by tpgarlene |
Hi Helen I dont dilute mine, but always rinse it off afterwards. Just checked mine and it is definately just Tamodine :) Arlene | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by tpgadmin |
I'll look for just Tamodine next time I want some thanks. I also will bear in mind there's Tamodine and Tamodine E when I suggest people using it. Helen | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by TPGJo |
Aww poor old Hercules I'm sure you'll get him sorted, how B & E? Jo | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by jen |
I actuallty have some Tamodine in the draw from last year, so will use that instead of betadine. As I said he has always been a flakey tort so am pleased other older torts are flakey as well. I will let Hercs know so he knows he's not the only one and theres no need to be embarrased The vet is one on your reccomened list, the lady I normally see is on annual leave, so I saw the other vet (also tortoise specialist). He said just to keep the area dry and go back if anything changes. I will try getting better picutre tomorrow as Hercs is now burried down for the night!! Thank you for your quick responses. Jenni | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by linkr630 |
LOL - Butting in here but I have just Tamodine from the vet, tamed iodine, and its kind of thick,syrupy like and it says dilute 1 part to 4 water. You can buy it from reptile supplies and I think thats already diluted or part diluted....maybe thats the difference? | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 31/03/2009 by jen |
Hi Jo Bert and Ernie are doing really well, still eating well and slowly putting on weight!! They are now back livng together and seem to of overcome their differences! Bert is now giving as good as he gets from ernie and ernie has definatly been put in his place lol!! They have such big characters and seem to be happier each day!!! There are some photos of them in the members gallery under Jens tortoises. Still having problem with ernie liking stones but have changed their outdoor enclosure substrate to soil and sand and put big stones in their, its quite amuzing watching him trying to get his mouth round the stones that are twice the size of him!! It really fustrates him lol!! Will put some more picsup when I get some nice ones. | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 01/04/2009 by jen |
this is the best pic I could take of Hercs as he wouldn't keep still He had a very damaged shell when I re homed him 6 years so there are a few defortmaties anyway. It took a year to get rid of the shell rott and damage caused from poor housing by previous owner. Poor old hercs lol
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Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 01/04/2009 by tortoise7 |
Hi Molly's is like that, I just thought that it was Ok because it was nice new growth underneath, seems to be like a very fine crispy layer that comes off, maybe it is the age, how old is Hercs? sorry if I missed it above | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 01/04/2009 by TPGDarren |
I usually carefully ease off the flaky areas as this can harbour damp and spores. It looks pretty well knitted together and the new growth looks good. | |
Re: Flakey Shell Posted: 01/04/2009 by jen |
Herc's is about 50-60 yrs old so he getting o a bit lol!!! I rehomed him in 2002. In the 6 years I have had him he has never been with any other tort!! Poor Herc's is a loner lol!! I am unsure though of his history before I got him though. When he came to me he had bad shell rot around the back end of his shell which took ages to clear, he also had some shell damage in the same area! I have rehomed 2 male spur thighed in Jan09 via the TPG but they have never meet and have seperated my garden to ensure they won't mix together. I am glad his shell looks ok though. I will try easing off the flakey shell and see what happens. Thank you everyone for you help | |