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Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 01/04/2009 by Baybee-Bat

Hello everyone :) Im messaging for a bit of advice regarding my Hermans. Its the Eastern variety but unfortunatly I dont know what sex it is as its still young - about 2 and a half years old.

Recently its tail spur came off. I think it must have caught it at some point while playing on its rock.
It doesnt seem too bothered by it though. There is no wound or open sore to speak of and the tail itself looks normal. If I touch it the tortoise doesnt flinch or hiss or make any kind of noise like its in pain. Im relatively new to keeping tortoises and Ive never come across anything like this on the internet or in books. Do you think this will cause any problems or lasting damage in the future? Am I right to assume that it will grow back eventually?


Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 01/04/2009 by tpgadmin

I should be worried about the possibility of infection and if it was my tortoise I would be taking it to a tortoise specialist vet and get some advice from him.  How long ago did the injury occur?

Personally I've never come across this before and am sorry this injury has happened to your tortoise.

Perhaps our vet Kevin would be able to give you better advice than I can.


Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 05/04/2009 by kevin.eatwell


It depends on how deep the damage is. It is unlikely the spur will grow back. Keep it clean with some dilute iodine such as tamodine. If there is any swelling or smell then it needs to see the vet as infection may have set in.



Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 11/04/2009 by Baybee-Bat

I saw it coming loose about 2 months ago, but Im not sure when it actually came off. Its always climbing up stuff!

Id like to take him to get checked over but there arent any specialists in Nottingham or even close by :(

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 11/04/2009 by tpgadmin


We have exotic vet specialists listed on the TG vet list in Loughborough and Leicester if you can get there. 


Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 12/04/2009 by Baybee-Bat

Brilliant! My boyfriend lives in leicester! Ill check them out! Thanks for that Helen! :)

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 08/06/2009 by Sarah1975

Two days ago i noticed my hermann's tail spur becoming loose. Today it appears red as though blood is collecting. We have an appointment at the vet's tomorrow but i'm not sure the spur will last that long. It doesn't appear to be ligated, I can only assume he's knocked it on one of his many climbing exploits. He seems fine in himself. Would appreciate any advice you can offer.

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 08/06/2009 by TPGDarren


We had this on another thread not too long ago. As far as I can remember the spir came completely off - which isn't a problem. The only problem is if there is an infection - but your vet will probably give you AB's if he/she feels in necessary. Please let us know how you get on

Kindest Regards

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 09/06/2009 by Sarah1975

Thanks Darren,

the vet didn't seem overly concerned. The spur's still hanging on and Socrates is his usual rumbunctious self :)

Will let you know if there are any changes.

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 09/06/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Sarah,

Glad to hear Socrates is doing fine:-)


Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 17/06/2009 by Sarah1975

The tail spur finally came off yesterday. Theres no sign of a wound or infection and he's his usual mischievous self - always climbing and scrabbling around.
It certainly hasn't slowed him down at all.

Thanks again for all your support and advice.


Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 18/06/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Sarah,

Good to hear it's come off cleanly without any problems:-)


Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 07/07/2009 by Baybee-Bat

Ahh! Thats great news :) Im glad to hear that he's doing well! Percys been fine since it came off and theres no sign of infection at all!

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 03/08/2009 by cheriederrick


The same has happened to one of my male hermanns yesterday, still hanging on at the moment and he is his usual self chasing the girls and eating.

Will the tail spur regrow, will this effect his sexual drive or his use of manhood? never known this before and was a little concerned yesterday but after reading posts feel a little happier. Regards Cherie

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 03/08/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Cherie,

The spur won't regrow if it comes off completely. I've not known it to affect a Hermann's sex drive - it doesn't sound as though your male is particularly bothered:-)


Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 09/08/2009 by cheriederrick

Hi Darren

Yesterday his tail was holding on by a thread, and bleeding so i gave him a soak and cleaned him up and placed him on paper inside, planning on taking him to the vets on monday, today i placed him outside but away from the others in case this would aggrivate it and also he wouldn,t chase the girls.

To my surprise when i brought him in this evening and went to soak him it has fallen off and healed really well all on its on, panic now over it,s a really neat tail area but i will keep it clean and check daily. phew! what a weekend.

Thanks for the advice Cherie

Re: Herman's lost its tail spur!!
Posted: 10/08/2009 by TPGDarren

Glad he's on the mend Cherie:-)



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