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Bowel functions
Posted: 10/04/2009 by tortoise7

Couldn't think of a better titleClick and drag me down to the editor
Molly doesn't seem to pass faeces  much. She is back eating and her temps are good but she only goes every 2-3wks on average (this is past observation too)  When she does go it looks fine like it should do, but is it normal or should she be going alot more? I am giving her sedum and some opuntia as a natural laxative but still nothing after 3 days?
Any advice will be very welcome Click and drag me down to the editor



Re: Bowel functions
Posted: 10/04/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hi Jane, Title bang on subject! I have read somewhere but can't remember at the moment that it takes a tortoise 3 weeks to digest weeds due to their slow metobolisim. So perhaps you should just be  'boasting' about what a good mum you are and have Mollies diet spot on!!!Click and drag me down to the editor Increase her warm bathes always helps.

Hopefully others will comment on this Jane.



Re: Bowel functions
Posted: 10/04/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Elaine
I knew that it took 3 wks to digest but I supose I was thinking that when continuous eating was happening that it would possibly amount to once a week? never looked at it from the other angle that you said, so thanks for that. I am a happy mum once again.... 

Re: Bowel functions
Posted: 11/04/2009 by tortoise7

Upt the temperature in Molly's bath this morning and hey prestoClick and drag me down to the editor it was very hard so another warmer bath tomorrow, do you think the torts know when we have posted, as they always respond to whatever problem we have raised our concerns about hmmmmm I think I will turn the computer screen the other way Click and drag me down to the editor


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