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passing blood?
Posted: 17/04/2009 by tobythetortoise

hi i have a year old hermann tortoise ive had him 4months and had few probs with eating and sleeping to much anyhoo i gave toby his bath and he strained and what looked like white jelly came out which his had a few times but then a dark red/browny liquid came out of him and quite alot of it im soooo worried please can anyone help? xx

Re: passing blood?
Posted: 17/04/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi there

The white susbtance which Toby passed is called urates, and is a waste product soemtimes passed when they have a wee, and is nothign to worry about.  Has Toby had a lot of dandelions in his diet recently, as they can make the urine a reddy colour?

all the best


Arlene  TPG

Re: passing blood?
Posted: 17/04/2009 by tpgadmin


The issues you describe with your tortoise do sound normal and I'm just wondering if Arlene's answer has helped to put your mind at rest?  Do let us know if you are still worried in any way.


Re: passing blood?
Posted: 17/04/2009 by tobythetortoise

aww thanks so much for reply yeah his had loads of them as in the last week ive been taking him outside with me as weathers been nice x


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