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S. American terrapin species Yorkshire
Posted: 25/04/2009 by jp07

In regards to terrapin rehoming. I work for an animal collection used for education purposes. At the moment we only have 1 pond suitable for terrapins, in our South American exhibit. If there are any South American species available for rehoming we would hopefully be able to offer a home

Re: S. American terrapin species Yorkshire
Posted: 25/04/2009 by tpgNina

Hi jp07,

I've responded to your posting in the other thread, but in case you don't see it -- thanks for letting us know, and it would be interesting to learn the name of the animal collection you work for and where it is located.
Terrapins are often difficult to find homes for, so Mary Datson (who does rehoming for the British Chelonia Group) would be a good person to contact ( ) as would Tamie Milne (the Rehoming Officer for the Tortoise Trust) ( ).

Thanks again for letting us know.


Re: S. American terrapin species Yorkshire
Posted: 25/04/2009 by tpgadmin

Wherabouts in Yorkshire are you located?  I'm in Yorkshire too.



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