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Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 11/05/2009 by gina231 |
Hi, I have a 2.5 year old Hermanns. I recently noticed the ridge along the middle of the plastron is getting more pronounced. Between the front and back legs the plastron appears to concave and the ridge is very pronounced here - approx 5 mms. Is this normal or should i be doing something to rectify this? Also, the mouth seems to be looking more inturned the older it gets - the bottom lip. I went to the vets about 2 months ago and this was noted (the mouth). Is this normal? I tried to attach pics of both issues but the server wouldnt play ball. I can email these to you direct? Please help me, i am very concerned... Gina | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 11/05/2009 by tpgNina |
Hi Gina, I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say about your tortoise's problems, but you can post the photos to me if you like, and I'll see if I can get them on the forum (you can also click on How to use the Forum, in the left-hand column under TPG Members Forum for instructions on how to post photos -- I know you have to reduce them in size): Nina | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 11/05/2009 by vivtpgadmin |
Hi Gina, as Nina says we would need to see photos of the plastron and face area. Please do send photos to either Nina or myself. You can also add photos to a reply, there is a box saying 'Upload images' in green and 'Upload' next to it in blue, try adding them to a reply. If you choose this way when you are asked to add images press this and they will automatically be added. Vivienne | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 11/08/2009 by gina231 |
Hi Vivienne, Thanks very much for your reply. I have been unable to attach photos - even wben shrunk! I have emailed them to Nina instead. Thanks again, Gina | |
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Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 11/08/2009 by Nina |
Hi Gina, | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 11/08/2009 by gina231 |
Hi Nina, Thanks for your reply. I would really value any opinions and/or advice on the plastron or mouth situation. I currently have an indoor tortoise table - it is 15 inch x 20 inch. It is of solid wood construction - hand made and has a mesh top to it. I use aubiouse as a substrate with newspaper as a liner. I use a UVB strip 10.0 and a spot 60W. It is regulated by a thermostat. The lights are on for 11 hours a day and regulated to 30 degrees . I feed him weeds - I try to give him a varied diet as much as possible. I use limestone supplement and calcium supplement on all food. I make sure there is something out to eat everyday before i go to work, I bath him for 20 mins each day when i get home and feed him straight after. He may have 4 - 6 leaves per day. I dont currently have an outdoor enclosure - my yard isnt secure. This is something that i need to organise asap. I hope this helps... I look forward to your advice! Gina | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 12/08/2009 by gina231 |
Hi all, I have just measured the little one. Thought it may be useful for you to know... Born 26th Oct 2006 which makes him 2 years and 10 months Length - 7.5cm Width - 5.7cm Height - 4 cm Weight - 73 g Jackson - 0.173 Measurement (unfortuantely no weight) at 2 years old - Length - 6.5cm Width - 5cm Height - 3.5cm I have noticed over the last few months that his carapace is looking slightly less rounded - his scutes are a little raised. Could this be early signs of pyramiding? His shell also goes in slightly at the sides (where you may pick him up - just above his rear legs) - marginals? is this natural with the shell going around the legs? This has always been like this. Should i be concerned about any of this? If so, is this something i can rectify? I can send pics if that is useful... Gina | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 12/08/2009 by TPGDarren |
Hi Gina, | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 12/08/2009 by gina231 |
Hi Darren, Great. Thank you very much for your help. Gina | |
Re: Plastron & mouth - healthy? Posted: 09/09/2009 by gina231 |
Hi Darren, Did Kevin get back to you? Gina | |