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Tortoise Blood Posted: 16/05/2009 by fi_S_2000 |
I have two Russian Tortoises, about 5 years old and when cleaning them out this morning, I noticed some red in their enclosure. It looked almost like blood, although was bright red. I checked both of them for any cuts etc and couldnt see anything. Has anyone else experienced this, is there any known problem which I should be aware of? Thanks for any help | |
Re: Tortoise Blood Posted: 16/05/2009 by wilsonathome |
just a thought..... had they been eating red cabbage or lettuce as this gives wee a redish tinge | |
Re: Tortoise Blood Posted: 17/05/2009 by tpgNina |
If it was bright red, then I'm not sure what to say. Was it like a liquid? Was it associated with a poo? I would just keep a close eye on them and if you see it again then a visit to a good tortoise vet might be in order. Let us know how you get on. | |
Re: Tortoise Blood Posted: 17/05/2009 by fi_S_2000 |
No, diet has been normal, weeds such as dandilions and plantain - nothing red. The red is bright scarlet red too, not just a tint, it's almost as if food colouring has been spilt, although I would be less worried if that were the answer! | |
Re: Tortoise Blood Posted: 17/05/2009 by TPGDarren |
Hiya, | |
Re: Tortoise Blood Posted: 21/05/2009 by tpgadmin |
Hi I'm wondering if there is any update on how this little tortoise is doing now. Has there been any more blood that you have noticed? Helen | |