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Gritty Urates Posted: 20/05/2009 by dewly |
Hello, can some one put my mind at rest please??? My little 10 month old Spur Thigh, Alfie, has gritty urates. I have only had him 2 weeks, he eats well, is bright eyed and has his active moments throughout the day. I have not noticed gritty urates in his enclosure but I have noticed them when I bath him, which i have now upped to every day. Once when bathing him he expelled a huge amount of fluid from his bottom. I have read that this is healthy as it's the way that tortoises flush out their kidneys?? Can you tell me please if i have any thing to worry about? Thank you. | |
Re: Gritty Urates Posted: 20/05/2009 by linkr630 |
Hiya sorry dont know your name but gritty urates signify dehydration and your doing right to bathe Alfie daily, in fact you could make it twice a day for a while until hes fully hydrated seeing he's so young. | |
Re: Gritty Urates Posted: 20/05/2009 by ElaineTPG |
Hi I totally agree with what Lin has said. I bath all my torts daily, twice for the little ones in the summer. Two reasons: hydration and it keeps the enclosure clean as they tend to 'go' in the bath water. I also think but have no proof that with a cleaner inside it must end up with a healthier tortoise. OR I may just be trying to find a reason for all that time spent bathing
Elaine | |
Re: Gritty Urates Posted: 21/05/2009 by dewly |
Thank you very much - I am now bathing Alfie twice a day - any excuse!! | |
Re: Gritty Urates Posted: 23/05/2009 by dewly |
Hello again, Lin and Elaine | |
Re: Gritty Urates Posted: 23/05/2009 by vivtpgadmin |
Hi Julie, Alfie sounds fine, hopefully all the gritty urates have now come out. Just keep up the baths, and I feed the odd piece of cucumber which also helps to hydrate them as it made up of water. Keep up the good work, Vivienne | |
Re: Gritty Urates Posted: 23/05/2009 by dewly |
Fantastic - thank you every one for your help | |