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Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 25/05/2009 by dewly
This is what we have spent our Bank Holiday Monday doing - Alfie(our 10 month old Spur Thigh) new enclosure!! He will hopefully love it - it's huge!! And at the moment will only go in it if it's sunny.
Just got to make a cover to go over the top and a proper little hide away / shelter.
My husband cut a shallow hole in the slab which is inside the enclosure which I have filled with water. So Alfie can bathe and drink from it.
I have also put some wild flower and weed seeds in the enclosure so hopefully they should start growing soon.
The only thing I do want tp plant in there is a large green plant to give a bit of colour and provide some shade. Can any one recommend any thing please?
Thank you very much
Julie xx

Re: Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 25/05/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hi Julie, I do like your weekend work! Alfie is a lucky tort and I am sure you will keep adding and adding to this as you see him grow and get more adventerous. I love minature Hebes, as do all my torts, they come in all sizes with the prettiest of colours, If you get the small ones you could have a few in there, just don't plant or put anything near the edges as he will use it as a ladder. Also the ornamental grasses do well as do herb plants. I think Alfie will reward your hard work by giving you hours of entertainment in the summer days exploring this set up. Well done!

ElaineClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 25/05/2009 by TPGDarren

It looks great Julie. Please don't forget some photos of it finished


Re: Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 25/05/2009 by dewly

Thank you Elaine.
Just had a look at Hebes on the internet - really pretty plants - they will look lovely in there. Going to get a ornamental grass as you suggested aswell. Will post some more pictures as the new enclosure grows.
I'm worn out now - not used to all this digging!!
Julie xx

Re: Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 25/05/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Julie

That looks brilliant. Alot of hard work isn't it, but really worth it when you see them in their new pen. I use hebes but also ornamental grasses grows really quick and offers good shade too, have a look on the members library under Keya, I think it is the 2nd from the last.
Good week-end though wasn't it for us torty people!!

Re: Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by tpgadmin

Hi Julie

Like everyone else has said Alfie's enclosure looks great.  Have you thought of putting a small cloche or some perspex raised on bricks in there too?  Alfie would then have a small area he could wander in and out of to warm up if he needs to, as it will be several degrees higher than the outside temp.


Re: Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by Bigal

This looks great!!.....and its given me loads of ideas for planning our outdoor enclosure.....Excellent job....xx


Re: Alfies New Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by dewly

Click and drag me down to the editorFantastic idea Helen, thank you very much. I will definately do this.



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