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Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by dewly
Sorry folks, I seem to be hogging this site at the moment but I am just so so thankful to EVERYONE for their help. Thank you so much, I really would be lost without you.

But I just wanted to show Elaine and Jane the Hebes and Oriental Grass that you suggested!!

I have just done a 11 hour shift but was so excited I left work, raced to the garden centre, raced home and planted the suggested plants!! And here is the result. When I showed my friends at work Alfie's new 'garden' they asked when he would be getting his Flat screen TV with surround sound!!! They just done understand do they.

Any way, as long as I don't bore you I will continue to add photo's as the garden grows BUT please tell me if I'm driving you all mad cause I probably will.


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by tpgNina

Doesn't that look fabulous! The plants look great, and they really make the enclosure look stylish. Can I ask what the difference is between the reddish looking soil that is in most of the enclosure and the area of what looks like black soil in the lower left-hand corner? Is one your natural garden soil and the other is compost?
Well done - you and your hubby should be so proud of what you've done.


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by dewly

Hi Nina

Thank you for your lovely comments. The reddish looking soil is actually natural sand from the local builders merchant!! The black soil is compost from B&Q!! I have planted wild flower and weed seeds in this so hopefully they will start growing through soon.

Just waiting for Keith, my husband, to make the cover and for the sun to shine and then my little Alfie can wander round his new garden.


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Julie,
I agree with Nina this is an amazing little set up with lots of variety. You have obviously worked very hard and you should feel proud. Alfie is one lucky tort. Good luck with the seeds if he is anything like my lot they will be trampled before they even begin to grow :-)


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by ElaineTPG

HOG away Julie, I'm sure everyone is enjoying Alfie's pent house in the making! The only thing I would suggest is that by the time the summer growth has boosted those plants they might just be a tad to close to the boundrries, and believe me Alfie WILL take advantage of those home grown steps and go walk about. If you moved them now a bit more to the inner areas then they will spread out, give him shelter and break his eye line of vision so give him the 'what's around the corner' feel at Christmas when the flat screen arrives :).

I do hope you are proud of those aching bones, a job well done! Thanks for sharing.


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 26/05/2009 by dewly

Thank you Elaine.

If you think best then I will definitely move the plants but......there will be a top on the enclosure - wooded framed with a wire mesh, a bit like the mesh you find on a rabbit run. This will be secured with catches as we also have two dogs who have already shown an interest in Alfie's 'garden' so I wont be taking any chances!! Do you think that will be ok??

Thank you so much again.


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 27/05/2009 by Row

Wow!!!!  Fantasic enclosure Julie, truely is amazing.  I've been working on mine and you've put me to shame LoL!!!!!!  I'm now thinking of starting again.  I've never experienced Enclosuree Envy before.

Well done really is fantastic.


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 27/05/2009 by tpgNina

LOL! Your message did make me smile, Row! Enclosure envy is one of the main types of envy amongst tortoise keepers -- in addition of course to 'smooth carapace envy'!


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 27/05/2009 by dewly


Thank you very much. My husband keeps laughing at me though as it's been really windy here and I have to keep going out and cleaning all the leaves out of it!!! My legs and arms are still aching from all that digging though!!


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 27/05/2009 by ElaineTPG

Enclo sure Envy, I love it Row Click and drag me down to the editor. Do you think the TPG need a hotline for these new emotions ?

That has made me smile: I can see it being mentioned in the new pyscology books for years to come!!!


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 27/05/2009 by dewly

You lot are all truely mad!!!

Elaine, did you see my question to you above???


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 27/05/2009 by ElaineTPG

Sorry Julie, If they can get around behind the plant then it acts as a tort roundabout, if it is going to be a tight squeeze then I would move it a bit more inwards as all this will do is block the corner off. Just try to think of it as getting the most from your money: you can always trim the rear bit once it gets going. With the top on what area will you be lifting from, does that effect the planting choice? Good job they aren't edible, you'd do all this planning and he'd have it eaten asap and that would need another help line. Click and drag me down to the editor .

Looking good for the weekend!


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 27/05/2009 by dewly

Hello again Elaine

I thought Hebes were edible??? I will move the plants slightly inwards tomorrow, if it's not raining!!

The weekend looks fantastic for me as I'm off to Spain!! My mum lives out there so I am going out there for a visit with my son!! My husband is staying home to look after Alfie and the two dogs!!


Re: Update Outdoor Enclosure
Posted: 28/05/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hebes are edible but are more of a nibble than eaten, where as something like Sedum gets eaten, you are lucky if you can see ANY or the root if they get within an inch of it.

Safe journey,



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