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Ornate Box Turtle
Posted: 14/06/2009 by kirkie

Hi all,

I've posted some pictures of my new Female Ornate Box Turtle in the members gallery. Hope this is ok as she's not technically a tortoise :)

I got her yesterday after a 3 year search. She is around 5 inches in length, she does have a rather overgrown beak and claws but she'll be foraging in my garden from now on so they may wear down. Crunching snails will help. Box Turtles are omnivorous, so please don't be shocked by the fruit she's eating! Ornate Box Turtles are also hunters and a high portion of their diet consists of insects, ggrubs, worms and snails. Bit different from my Hermanns and Horsfields but she is fascinating and I'm already smitten with her.

Re: Ornate Box Turtle
Posted: 14/06/2009 by Shelbyville

Hi Kirkie

I've just loooked at the photos. She is really gorgeous, you must be very proud. I think turtles and terrapins are fascinating but my husband won't let me get any as he had a RES as a child  and the only words he ever uses in connection with it are "vicious b*****d" plus I don't really have the room. Good luck with her, I am really quite envious.

Rachel.Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Ornate Box Turtle
Posted: 14/06/2009 by tpgsteph

Hi Kirkie
I have to agree she looks stunning.After a three year wait you must be ecstatic. She looks very content, love the picture of her getting into the water.


Re: Ornate Box Turtle
Posted: 14/06/2009 by kirkie

Thankyou both, over the moon just about describes it. She has a viscious streak too, she definetely hunts and shows no mercy to crawly things :)

Re: Ornate Box Turtle
Posted: 14/06/2009 by kirkie

By the way, she does have an easy way into her water but they always want to be difficult! It's a paint roller tray so it has a shallow end and a deep end (apparently they are very poor swimmers).

Re: Ornate Box Turtle
Posted: 14/06/2009 by Helen_S

Congratulations on your boxie.  Lovely looking turtle.


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