You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise Care, Health/Problems > would anyone be willing to supply me any tort Eggs for hatching maybe? pretty please

would anyone be willing to supply me any tort Eggs for hatching maybe? pretty please
Posted: 18/06/2009 by onelargetortoise

I was wondering if there was anyone near the newcastle area who keeps or breeds horsefield or hermanns torts who might wish to sell/give me afew eggs to have a go at incubating them and hatching them for myself in my new Brinsea R incubator?

I would still be willing to pay for any hatchlings that I manage to hatch, Or return hatchlings to you or share babies? whatever suits yourself really. I just would really love the experience of hatching and bringing on my own babies from day one-passing them down to my kids While I'm still not that old.

Thanks very much for reading guys, hope all is going well for all of you!

Re: would anyone be willing to supply me any tort Eggs for hatching maybe? pretty please
Posted: 18/06/2009 by Helen_S

Sorry - lots of horsfield babies here but no eggs.  all mine have hatched already.  Good luck with your quest.



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