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New Member
Posted: 18/06/2009 by malcolm

I am a new member so a big hello to all.

At the moment I am finishing off my tortoise table in preperation for my new babies a pair of Ibera's which should be ready for collection in 2/3weeks.
Hope to start my outside tortoise garden next week so they can make good use of the good weather that we have been promised.
I was going to get them from a shop in my local town but when the shop owner told me he could tell the sex of 08 hatchlings just by looking at them did not fill me with that much confidence so I looked at this site and found a approved breeder who I will be getting them from.
This is a great site so no doubt I will be a regular on the forums asking for advice and a general chat.

Re: New Member
Posted: 18/06/2009 by TPGDarren

Click and drag me down to the editor to the group Malcolm.


There are many new and experienced keepers on here to share stories and experiences with. Please feel free to post any queries you have or merely just to chat.


Unfortunately most pet shops haven't got a clue about the "stock" they keep and the advice they give is often totally inappropraite Click and drag me down to the editor


Kindest Regards



Re: New Member
Posted: 18/06/2009 by malcolm

Thank you
It was after doing my homework and after reading all I could on this site enabled me to spot the wrong advice that was being given I left that shop never to return.

Re: New Member
Posted: 19/06/2009 by tracynmick

hi malcolm welcome to the tpg group, thanks for your well wishes hope everything goes good for your family & your new family members as these animals are just so cute & fun to watch


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