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Growing too fast??
Posted: 22/06/2009 by dewly

Alfie is now 5cm's long and weighs 37g. Eleven days ago he weighed 32g. I understand tort's are supposed to put on 3g a month - Alfie is obviously not doing this.
He is read properly - not rubbish. He eats dandelions, bine weed and wild flowers. Do torts have growth spurts like children??

Re: Growing too fast??
Posted: 22/06/2009 by dewly

Sorry - meant to say he is feed properly. Also he is a Spur Thigh and active.

Re: Growing too fast??
Posted: 22/06/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Julie,
This does seem quite an increase in weight. Can i ask how often you feed Alfie and how much (quantity) you give him. Also is he in a set up where he can forage for food himself?


Re: Growing too fast??
Posted: 23/06/2009 by Laraine

Becareful of feeding too much Bind weed, this should be fed in moderation.

It could be he is saving up a big poop for you!

Re: Growing too fast??
Posted: 23/06/2009 by dewly

Alfie poops every day and they are huge!!! Sorry to be graphic.
He is feed twice a day - 8am and about 4pm, just before he goes to bed. He probably have the equivalent to 2 large dandelion leaves a day. He does eat quite a lot of bind weed so I will limit this. I have just starting feeding him wild flowers as I bought the seeds and they are now growing thick and fast.
He has to forage for food in his outside enclosure - which he only goes in when it is sunny. But he gets fed directly onto his feeding bowl in his inside enclosure.

Re: Growing too fast??
Posted: 23/06/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Julie,
Feeding Alfie twice a day is too much. In the wild tortoises do not eat as much as CB tortoises and that is why they are smaller. I only feed mine 5 days a week to stop them putting on too much weight. I suggest you start by cutting back to feeding Alfie once a day, you have to be cruel to be kind.



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