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crying /bleating sick tortoise
Posted: 24/06/2009 by Jo

Hi I have a spur thigh tortoise she was brought to me last year rescued from a market she is about 2 years old and has been fine until recently when she has started crying up until last week she was eating and drinking but has now stopped I am giving her plenty of baths to keep her hydarted but the crying is breaking my heart she has not been to the toilet and the last time she weed was 2 days ago despite all the baths can anyone help please? as I am in tunisia it is difficult to get to a vet there is no mucas from the eyes nose or mouth although she does rub her eyes sometimes

Re: crying /bleating sick tortoise
Posted: 24/06/2009 by TPGDarren


If he/she has stopped eating, I would be inclined to take her to a vet. I can't say it's something I'm familiar with.?


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