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bleeding from the neck
Posted: 28/06/2009 by beki

i'm very worried about my tortoise! He is bleeding from the neck and it looks like he has scraped it on hiis shell. it's sunday and no vets availible. will take him in morning. i'm worried that it might get infected and don't know what to do. can anyone give me any advise on what to do for now until i can get to the vet?

Re: bleeding from the neck
Posted: 28/06/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Becki,.

Has the bleeding stopped?

I'd bathe it in warm water and keep him on paper (with the lights off) until the morning to keep the cut clean.
Have you any masking tape you can place temporarily on his shell (where he cut his neck) to save him causing further damage and to ease the discomfort of any further contact with the shell?


Re: bleeding from the neck
Posted: 28/06/2009 by beki

thanks for your advice. will do that now.


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