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First night out under the stars and I'm worried sick! Posted: 01/07/2009 by Row |
Hi, What beautiful weather!!!! I love it and even more importantly so do Tetley and Twiglet they are just soaking up those rays, I've never seem them soooo happy it's wonderful to see. So tonight I am biting the bullet and leaving them outside all night rather than bringing them indoors..... I'm worried sick and it's not even dark! Twiglet I'm not worried about at all she is in their little wooden house all snug and protected as I can block the door so no nasty can get inside. Tetley however is in THE CAVE......... It's a tunnel that goes into their Tortoise Mount and I have no way of protecting him. Will he be OK??? Should I block the entrance with a brick??? Should I just leave all entrances clear?? The enclosure has wire mesh on top etc but I'm not sure what to do. Am I over worrying about my little ones? Please put my mind at rest and give me some advise please?????? Thanks, Row, Tet n Twig | |
Re: First night out under the stars and I'm worried sick! Posted: 01/07/2009 by tpgAli |
Hi Row, | |
Re: First night out under the stars and I'm worried sick! Posted: 01/07/2009 by Row |
Hi Ali, Thanks for replying. It's dark now so just going to risk it....I know we have no foxes that would be interested far too many rabbits around here! Weather all checked clear skies no rain lowest temp 14c. Think this will be my first and last night of them "camping" out.. I just though all tort owners left them out at night when weather was good and I was being silly Thanks R, T n T | |
Re: First night out under the stars and I'm worried sick! Posted: 01/07/2009 by kirkie |
Hi Row, All my tortoises (Hermans & baby Horsfields) have been living "Al Fresco" for the last few weeks. Some choose to sleep in hides, some dig into the ground and some go under plants, sleeping under the stars. I'm sure yours will be fine with a secure wire mesh top. I have a pair of foxes living in my garden and they've yet to approach the tortoise enclosures, which are near the house. Mine have sat it out through two major thundestorms (one with hail stones!) in the last two weeks. I was getting worried at one point, but calmed down when I went out in the garden to find my larger Hermanns "basking" in the downpour. They loved it. The Horsfields just dug into the ground until it was all over but surfaced looking as grumpy as ever the next morning. I still sleep with a window open and and ear and an eye open but it does get easier. | |
Re: First night out under the stars and I'm worried sick! Posted: 02/07/2009 by Row |
It's the morning and ................. THEY'VE SURBIVIVED!!!!!!!!!!! They're not up yet but I've checked and a Tetley and Twiglet are fine. I'm such a worry guts. Kirkie, thanks for the reassurance and your horsfields are weeny compared to mine so if yours can my can! Thanks, Row | |
Re: First night out under the stars and I'm worried sick! Posted: 02/07/2009 by kirkie |
Hi Row, Glad it went ok for you. Same again tonight? I find that they fall into a very natural daily rhythm when outside all the time. Most of them were up when I went out there at 6AM this morning, waiting for the sun. All but the biggest sun worshipper (Daisy) have put themselves away now. The exception being my Box Turtle who has a will of her own, she decided 9:30 last night was a good time to go swimming (I think she waits up for the slugs to come out ) Don't be suprised if you find Tetley in the same place tonight, they do seem to have their favoured spot. | |
Re: First night out under the stars and I'm worried sick! Posted: 02/07/2009 by Row |
Hi Kirkie. I popped home from work at 9 this morning and both were sun bathing on top of Tort Mount looking very please with themselves! Bed time for them normaly happens at about 3 or 4 in the afternoon, they can't handel late nights. Tetley always heads for the cave his favourite spot though he did have to fight Twiglet for it when they 1st moved in. Was funny to see a doubledecker of Tort bums in the entrance . I've brought them indoors tonight as we are expecting Thunder storms and heavy rain over night and their house hasn't been waterproofed as yet. They will do it again for sure. I think it's just so much more natural for them.
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