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Water requirements of a Hermanns
Posted: 09/07/2009 by Sparda

Hi, I've had a Hermanns tortoise for almost 2 years now, the lives in an indoor enclosure for most of the year and I've always given her fresh water everyday and she's around 4 years old. However, I recently visited a pet store to buy goldfish and they had Hermanns tortoises in a vivarium on display and had a notice up saying that they dont provide their tortoises with water all the time as they have a tendancy to urinate in the bowl and then absorb it back into themselves so instead thay bathe them each morning and each night. I'm confused because evey online reference I look at says they must be given ready access to clean water. Can anybody clear up this matter? Thanks!

Re: Water requirements of a Hermanns
Posted: 10/07/2009 by Vivienne

Hi, tortoises should always be supplied with fresh drinking water.  It is true that torts do more often than not urinate and defecate in the water, its a natural instinct, as in the wild torts hold on to their urine, until they find water to drink, this stops them dehydrating, so when they do find a water hole they will let go of their urine and poo, but they will also drink the water and can absorb it through the cloaca (bottom).  So it is important to always have fresh water available, if they do go to the toilet in it, just change it!!Click and drag me down to the editor

VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Water requirements of a Hermanns
Posted: 10/07/2009 by Sparda

OK thanks a lot for clearing this up for me! :)


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